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Improve Education
marginalized communities
For Fostering Partnership
Driving Growth
Empowering Communities Through Education

Who We Are

A non profit organisation with a goal to deliver services that improve the quality of lives of marginalized communities.

Our Mission

To develop model community development programs for marginalised communities through exploitation of their unique community talents and resources.


To empower endangered and marginalized communities through education, training and local resource mobilization.

Welcome to TEPAD Kenya

Terik Essential Programs Agency for Development, Kenya (TEPAD Kenya) is a nonprofit organization established in 2002, to deliver services that improve the quality of lives of marginalized communities through education, research and training .

The formation of TEPAD was inspired by the Terik community, a marginalized community in Kenya –declared by United Nations Education , Science and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in 2000 as in danger of extinction. The goal of TEPAD is to enhance development of marginalized and endangered communities through exploitation of their unique talents andl resources…

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Community receives back Ujiplus innovation

The Terik community received back its indigenous innovation, Ujiplus, from the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) on 22nd April 2023. The product, a unique herbal porridge flour with deworming capabilities,...
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TEPAD Kenya partners with Oxford International College, Canada to recruit students for the Continuing Care Assistance Program

As part of TEPAD Study Abroad Program , TEPAD has partnered with Oxford International College to recruit candidates for the Continuing Care Assistance program. Graduates of the Continuing Care Assistant...
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Recipients of the 2023 TEPAD Secondary School Academic Scholarship

Terik Essential Programs Agency for Development, Kenya (TEPAD Kenya), resumed its secondary school scholarship program this year in February 2023. The scholarship scheme continues to target students from public primary...
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