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Secondary School academic scholarship

Secondary School  academic scholarship

This targets public primary school pupils from Terik Wardwho score high marks in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) . Pupils from member schools who sat KCPE every year are pooled and the students who scored the highest mark is awarded the full four year secondary school scholarship. Sponsorship is y recommendation by headteachers of the participating schools.

List of past scholarship recipients

KCPE Year Name Gender Primary School of origin Secondary School Admitted Year Completed/  to complete Status
2005 Deborah Jemutai Female Kapko Tachasis 2009 Graduated from Maseno University
2006 Skylet Muhonja Female Gambogi Kapsabet Girls 2010 Graduated from Eldoret University
2007 Naomi Jepketer Female Kapsengere Tachasis 2011 Graduated from Asumbi Teachers College
2008 Miriam Jebiegon Female Kapsengere Aldai Girls 2012 Graduated from Maseno University
2010 Bildad Kibet Male Soi Maseno High 2014 Graduated from Moi University
2011 Brenda Jepchumba Female Kapko Tachasis 2015 Pursuing Nursing course at KMTC, Nyeri


Julius Kogo and Leakey Kipkoskei